Do We Know What Contents Work for Social Commerce? A Case of Customer Engagement in Facebook Brand Pages
Facebook Brand pages, Customer Engagement, Social Commerce, Marketing Mix, Uses and GratificationsAbstract
Social commerce is e-commerce empowered by social media. Good content strategy that takes into account what customers value is important to success, but very little is known about proper content types. The goal of this study was thus to understand the role of post quantity and content types in customer engagement on Facebook pages using content analysis to collect qualitative data and quantitative data. Content types were categorized into two categories and nine sub-categories according to the 4Ps theory along with uses and gratifications theory. More than 1,500 posts from 183 brand pages were analyzed to examine the relationships between overall posts per page in a week, the page’s engagement, and popularity. The results represent the first attempts to explore content types with various established theories. The findings of this study could reflect the post types of brand pages by industries and guide brand page administrators toward effective content strategy.
To cite this document: Mathupayas Thongmak, "Do We Know What Contents Work for Social Commerce? A Case of Customer Engagement in Facebook Brand Pages", International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol.10, No.2, pp.141-174, 2019.
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